Publicada hace: 38 dias
<p>Pöytyän Konesituspalvelu/Pöytyä </p><p>1. CNC machinist with programming skills </p><p>22€ - hours per week + averaging leave/Pekkanen12,5 days per year, paid when used • CNC-programmer/operator for 5 axis vertical lathe with live tooling BOST VTL 68 CY with <strong>Siemens 840D</strong> and, load capacity 15 tons. Elements in production 1-10m, 0,5-100 tons, used in marine industry. </p><p>Good to have experience with CNC drilling machine with <strong>Heidenhain TNC530</strong> controllers as well. </p><p>• Communicative English required<br>• Bank hours <br>• 2-3 shift work possibility (+1,32€/h evening shift, +2,44€/h night shift)"<br> </p>